Dermatology Services

Gentle care for your loyal companion's skin, fur and nails which prevents infections and flare-ups.

When you notice any abnormalities with your pet’s skin, coat, nails or paws you should consult with a professional first. Cats and dogs are vulnerable to alopecia, dandruff, dermatitis, seasonal and food allergies, and acne. As easy as it is to search online for DIY treatments, they can cause more harm in the long run. Our team will ensure that your loyal companion gets the right treatment and will always provide recommendations on how to prevent these problems from recurring. 

What are signs of dermatological problems?

To make it easy to spot skin problems you should include some amount of grooming into your cat or dog’s daily routine. While brushing their fur or even petting them you may notice the following signs:

  • Dandruff
  • Bald patches
  • Smelly fur
  • Dull coat or thinning hair
  • Red patches, lesions
  • Dry or flaky skin

If you notice these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

What causes skin problems for cats and dogs?

Your dog or cat can develop dermatological issues due to their diet, environment, hormones and even the types of parasites they are exposed to. Factors that can cause skin problems include:

  1. Food - certain foods and treats can disturb your feline or canine’s skin. It often causes rashes and itching around the ears, belly, armpit and rear.
  2. Parasites - external parasites such as fleas, ringworms and ticks are notorious for causing skin problems, it’s best to ensure your loyal companion is on a year-round prevention plan.
  3. Hormonal problems - Hyperthyroidism can change a cat’s coat making it look greasy or unkept and hypothyroidism in dogs can cause greasy skin, chronic infections and weight gain. With hormonal disorders, it’s quite easy for your loyal companion to develop yeast infections.
  4. Environmental allergies - cats and dogs can be allergic to pollen, dust mites and grass. Environmental allergies will cause your cat or dog to constantly rub their face, lick their paw or shake their head from side to side after having contact with these irritants.

How are dermatological problems treated?

For effective and accurate treatment your veterinarian will perform a complete physical examination while paying close attention to hidden areas. If necessary, additional testing such as bloodwork, skin biopsies, and urinalysis may be recommended to narrow down the cause of the irritation. The veterinarian will then prescribe topical creams, medicated shampoos, injections or a special diet to manage their condition.

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